Pond picture

Habitat Restoration

Habitat restoration refers to the renaturalization of lands that have been disturbed, to predisturbed sustainable conditions in order to improve ecological health for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. Restoration plans are typically required as components of Azimuth's Natural Heritage Studies (NHS), Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) and Fisheries Assessments completed for municipal Environmental Assessments (EA's), municipal projects, private landowners, developers, and potentially the federal or provincial government. Azimuth has completed habitat enhancement plans as components of EIS studies for the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) that aimed to enhance habitat associated with significant features and ensure their long-term sustainability in the landscape. Azimuth has also completed habitat restoration plans aimed at the protection and preservation of fisheries resources as components of fish habitat mitigation and compensation plans to acquire approvals from CA's, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

Restoration initiatives completed by Azimuth have been directed at providing or enhancing habitat requirements of a particular species (i.e. Brook Trout in cold water creeks), replacing habitat following the completion of a construction project (such as a riparian planting plan subsequent to the development of a new roadway, channel cleanout or realignment), or to remediate conditions that have been damaged by natural causes (i.e. damage to woodlots or to a watercourse following storm events). Azimuth has the aquatic and terrestrial expertise to design, implement and monitor these types of projects for individual landowners, businesses and municipalities. Azimuth's aquatic biologists are experienced in the design, onsite monitoring, and project management services for watercourse rehabilitation and enhancement projects aimed at improving fish habitat and overall aquatic health (which includes riparian planting plans and natural channel design).